Hi! I’m a multi-disciplinary graphic designer based in sunny Los Angeles.

My practice focuses on creating research-driven design solutions for branding, packaging, motion, and art direction projects.


Escudario Lomo Plateado: Autocross Racing Team

Branding, Apparel

Escudario Lomo Plateado (Team Silverback Gorilla) is a Mini Cooper autocross team, led by San Diego-based contemporary artists Ingram Ober and Marisol Rendón. Ober and Rendón believe that their Mini Cooper’s grill resembles a gorilla's stylized face. This inspired the name of their racing team.

This rebrand of their racing team was inspired by contemporary flat design and Formula 1 racecar aesthetics, while deliberately subverting the sharp and angular geometry commonly used to signify speed in automotive racing to better compliment the geometry of the Mini Cooper he races.